Wednesday, February 20, 2013

IS IT TRUE February 19, 2013 | City-County Observer

The Mole #??

The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE the question has been raised about just what it would take for David Garrett to have his CPA license activated??the City County Observer has been advised that the actions needing to be taken for Mr. Garrett to be able to put the letters CPA behind his name is 120 hours of approved continuing education credits and a request for activation would get it done??this training can be taken online so within a month without missing a day of work Mr. Garrett could have his license back??the one of the beautiful things about being an American is that in some areas we can still make a choice and Mr. Garrett made his years ago not to take the courses to keep the license active and it is his choice to become active again??that CEU based classes do not have tests and really just indicate attendance or being logged on??state controlled credentials are an industry in themselves and it often seems as though the real beneficiaries are the CEU credit mills as opposed to the buying public??having sat through many such CEU classes at stiff fees this writer can attest that one can also choose to learn something new or sit in attendance like a bump on a log and still get the CEUs faxed to the license grantors?

IS IT TRUE we just heard from our facebook ?Moles? that City Councilman, Weaver posted on his facebook the Courier and Press editorial concerning City Council members, Connie Robinson and John Friend, CPA, the alledged ?Voice of Reason?, Russ LLoyd, Jr. and others? ?that Councilman, Weaver made reference on his facebook post suggesting that hiring Mr. Garrett was a waste of taxpayers money? ?we must remind our readers that Mr. Weaver lobbied and voted for the proposed $5 million dollar ?Earthcare? deal? ?we wonder if Mr. Weaver thinks his support of the proposed Earthcare project was not a waste of tax payers dollars?

IS IT TRUE that last week the article that was written back in the Spring of 2012 by City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley and published by the CCO regarding her findings when doing the legal research on Earthcare Energy got 450 pageviews out of the blue??this article was of course heavily read back when it was published by was off the radar for 8 months before this high interest level rose last week for two days??there are only a couple of reasons for such an interest??one would be if another city was considering making a deal with Earthcare Energy LLC and sought to leverage the legal work that Councilwoman Riley did pro-bono as part of her duties as an elected official??the other possibility is that Earthcare Energy LLC that strongly asserted that they were in compliance with the contract signed by Mayor Winnecke is having some legal research done in preparation for a lawsuit??at the time the Earthcare assertion that they were terminated while being in compliance had strong merit??there had to be a reason for Earthcare Energy LLC to have kept making the interest payments on the $200,000 loan that the Winnecke Administration snuck to Earthcare without a City Council vote??we may find out soon?

IS IT TRUE the social network Facebook had a picture of former Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel speaking at a gathering with a caption that read ?future Congressman???there were many comments of which some were supportive and others were mentioning things like SNEGAL grab for the Homestead Tax Credit, the McCurdy debacle, the Executive Inn dilemma, and the last minute Johnson Controls deal??if the former mayor comes out of his political retirement to seek elected office again it will be quite interesting just how much a future opponent will go after him for some of the large messes he left the people of Evansville??the CCO will expect record readership of our archives much like the Earthcare interest of last week if Weinzapfel?s hat is ever tossed back into the ring?

IS IT TRUE that the case brought by the VFW and others in an attempt to overturn the anti-smoking ordinance passed in 2012 by the Evansville City Council is now history??this case was dismissed last month and now the appeal of that ruling has been denied as well??the CCO wishes the people who brought this case well in their business endeavors??the reality is that this case was not even a long shot from the start as overturning such ordinances has been tried for 20 years without success??the money spent on this case without a prayer would have been better allocated to marketing efforts to attract non-smokers to these businesses??we have heard from some businesses that claim to be suffering because of the ordinance and others that are finally seeing increases in business??we wish all of these businesses success in the new and modern world?


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